We are looking to rent this Marathon Mastic Melter to fix some of the potholes and road issues we are having in the development sometime in May. Cost of rental: 600/week for machine, materials $30.00/block , each crate holds 70 blocks, Mark Laich explained this machine from Asphalt Care in Bensalem, PA. They are the only company in the USA that does this so we can't get other estimates. Mark suggested 3 crates @ $6300.00 for road work in spring. Total cost approval: $ 6900. plus tax. Motion approved unanimously. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the office to set up a meeting with a board member.
Here is the link to the YouTube video we as a board have watched. The video only shows some of what this machine can do. The gentleman from Asphalt Care explained that to fill potholes he recommends filling them in 2in lifts.
