We are glad to announce that four committees have been organized to provide assistance to the MPPOA Board of Directors in the governance and operation of the community. The HOA committees offer homeowners the opportunity to actively participate in the life of Mount Pocahontas association and are vital to the wellbeing of our community.
Please consider joining the committee that most interests you by completing the Committee Member Registration Form and submitting it to our HOA office at mppoa@ptd.net
ByLaws Committee – Its primary responsibility is to review bylaws and advise the Board on the changes needed.
Appeals Committee (CAC) – Its primary responsibility is to review and advise on the HOA appeals
Nomination Committee – The NominationCommittee was established to work with the Board on the nomination process
Financial Advisory Committee or Budget Committee – Its primary responsibility is to advise the Board of Directors on issues affecting the financial position of the HOA and our MPPOA budget.
Please note that only members in good standing can join committees, and those currently not involved in any litigation with our association.
Mt. Pocahontas Property Owners Association